For many women, pregnancy brings about numerous physical changes that are not necessarily a cause for concern until you realize that they can lead to neck discomfort. Research has shown that nearly 40% of pregnant women experience neck pain, many of whom experience more intense pain during the third trimester. This happens because of hormonal changes, excess weight, and uneven positions, among other things, which cause muscle aches and inconvenience.
In this article, we discuss the most common causes of neck and shoulder pain during pregnancy, various types of neck pain, and ways to relieve it.
Common Cause of Neck And Shoulder Pain During Pregnancy
Typically, various physical and hormonal changes as the body begins to adapt to the growing baby may also cause neck and shoulder pain. Some causes are natural, while others are caused by your lifestyle habits or existing health conditions. Knowing these factors enables one to prevent or manage discomfort more effectively.
Poor Posture
Problems such as using a phone, working at a desk, or relaxing in a hunched-over posture can strain the neck muscles. As pregnancy progresses, the extra weight that builds up in front of the body shifts posture, resulting in spinal misalignment. Poor posture also leads to muscle tension, stiffness, and soreness in the neck and shoulders. Aligning the neck correctly while sitting, standing, or lying will help minimize neck pain during pregnancy.
Added Weight
Don’t just look at your lower back; weight gain during pregnancy extends to the neck and shoulders. The extra weight on the baby, placenta, amniotic fluid, and body fat causes more stress on the musculoskeletal system. As a consequence, the neck muscles have to work harder, and tension, stiffness, and discomfort build up, becoming more pronounced as the pregnancy progresses.
Spotty Sleep
Unfortunately, pregnancy can cause significant discomfort, making it difficult to get quality sleep. These include frequent bathroom trips, body & neck aches, and at least very slight discomfort in many (if not most) positions. Not sleeping on the back can lead to stiffness and tension in the muscles. In fact, many pregnant women sleep on their sides with pillows that are improperly high and unnaturally bent in the neck. Maintaining alignment and reducing strain can help with using a maternity or cervical pillow, among other things.
Neck pain is most common during pregnancy, but nasty stiffness accompanied by fever, headaches, nausea, or sensitivity to light might signal meningitis. Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes around the brain and spinal cord that requires immediate medical attention. If you have severe neck pain that becomes worse with movement, do not hesitate to see your healthcare provider—some neck infections are serious.
Changes in Spinal Curvature
The natural curve of the spine is altered as the uterus expands and supports the growing belly. This changes the alignment of the neck and upper back, causing the muscles to overcompensate and soon creating stiffness, soreness, and pain. An exaggerated lumbar curve also produces an imbalance that draws up the neck muscles; hence, it’s important to exercise good posture and head and neck stretching exercises.
Ectopic Pregnancy
Such pain in the neck or shoulder tip pain could be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy—an extremely dangerous condition in which the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus. If this condition is present, it can result in internal bleeding, which is then referred to the shoulders or neck due to irritation of the diaphragm. Seek a doctor immediately if the pain suddenly becomes very intense and severe.
Center of Gravity Shifts
The baby’s body is made to shift as the movement of the body’s center of gravity moves forward. To compensate for their lean, pregnant women increase the strain on their neck, back, and shoulders. However, it adversely changes muscle alignment to natural alignment, forcing the muscles to work harder to maintain balance. Improper posture and not strengthening the core and back muscles are two reasons this strain occurs.
The body is not able to handle physical stress as well as it was before pregnancy. Overworking muscles not used to the extra strain can result from everyday activities such as lifting, bending, or prolonged standing. Overexertion can cause muscle inflammation, stiffness, and injury in the neck and shoulder. Breaks, good technique, and not exerting too much in one day can prevent unnecessary pain.
Pregnancy hormones called relaxin and progesterone cause ligaments and joints to loosen, which is important for delivery during childbirth. However, these hormones also weaken muscle support, increasing the body’s susceptibility to aches, stiffness, and pain. In general, unstable joints place greater demands on the neck muscles, which work harder to compensate, causing increased discomfort. Proper posture, regular light exercises, stretching, and even heating can help compensate for joint laxity induced by hormones.
Lack of Exercise
Increasing extra pregnancy weight can make it harder to support that weight with your muscles, something that can happen with a decrease in physical activity. Without movement, muscles will become tight and less flexible and thus are more tense in the neck and shoulders. Pleasant, safe for pregnancy, involves exercise like walking, stretching, and prenatal yoga, which can help promote circulation, decrease stiffness, and maintain muscle strength.
Managing Day-to-Day Tasks
As pregnancy progresses, routine activities like reaching for things, bending, and carrying groceries become more challenging. Bad movement mechanics cause the overuse of some muscles, specifically the neck and shoulders. Moving well and knowing how to ask for help can reduce unnecessary muscle strain and pain.
Types of Neck Pain During Pregnancy
The neck pain during pregnancy may be moderate or sharp, radiating pain. As the underlying cause of the pain varies, so does the pain type; sometimes, the muscle is involved, and in some instances, the nerve is compressed. The most common types of neck pain women will experience during pregnancy include:
Muscle Strain
A muscle strain occurs when the muscles in your neck become overstretched or overused, causing soreness or discomfort in the neck area. Activities such as hunching over a phone, reading with some odd bit of awkwardness, or even using a similarly odd laptop can produce knots in the muscles.
Moreover, the layer of fat caused by pregnancy and the postural changes that accompany it complicate the neck muscles, making them stiff and causing pain.
Neck Spasm
A neck spasm occurs when the neck muscles suddenly tighten. It usually occurs after sleeping in a certain position, during prolonged stress, or when holding the neck in the same position for a long time. These spasms can turn your head into a nightmare: intense pain and little movement. Warm compresses and gentle stretching are two ways to relieve tension and loosen neck stiffness.
Headaches that originate from neck tension are very common in pregnant women. Headaches returning from the back of the head to the neck and shoulders usually occur due to poor posture, stress, hormonal changes, and tight muscles in the upper neck.
The headaches from which most pregnant women suffer can be dull, throbbing, or sharp, and they can intensify with certain movements or prolonged time spent on the screen. You should try to keep hydrated and use relaxation techniques so that the pain is lessened.
Pinched Nerve
A pinched nerve occurs when a nerve in the neck is forced between two vertebrae, causing pain, tingling, and numbness. The pain may be sharp, burning, or like ‘pins and needles’ and may spread to the arms and hands.
Changes in spinal curvature and posture can cause nerve compression during pregnancy. Gentle neck stretches, proper posture, and chiropractic care can help relieve the discomfort.
Neck Injury
Women who are pregnant are more likely to fall or be out of their control and suffer injuries to their necks. Whiplash-like symptoms can occur and can be present even after a minimal trip or jerking motion, resulting in neck stiffness, swelling, and soreness.
Secondly, you could have a neck injury from improper lifting of heavy things or overworking of daily tasks. A medical check-up should address pain or limited mobility that continues after a few days.
Referred Pain
Neck pain during pregnancy doesn’t always occur due to an issue in the neck itself. Pain can radiate from the shoulders, back, or anything else internal and reach the neck. For instance, neck discomfort can be caused by tension in the upper back, stress headaches, or heartburn.
By identifying and correcting muscle imbalances and treating underlying conditions that can lead to referred pain, patients are better able to manage it.
8 Remedies To Treat Neck Pain During Pregnancy
Many physical changes accompany pregnancy, and one of these is neck pain, which can be relieved with simple, safe remedies. However, there is no cure for everyone, and a mixture of these methods generally helps reduce pain and improve mobility. Below are eight harmless ways to relieve neck pain during pregnancy:
Maintain Good Posture
Proper posture is essential for reducing neck pain. Sit and stand with your shoulders pulled back and spine aligned so you don’t strain needlessly. If needed, use a supportive chair and a footrest. The problem increases when you hunch over screens or slouch, which tenses the neck and shoulders. Proper posture can greatly decrease the discomfort you experience during the day.
Get a Maternity Pillow
A pregnancy pillow gives needed support to your neck, back, and belly when you are sleeping. A neck support pillow helps you to align your spine correctly, preventing any pressure on your neck. The U or C-shaped pillows will give you a cradle to sleep in a neutral position, supporting your growing baby bump, and you will not have a stiff neck and sore muscles in the morning.
Try Warm or Cold Compress
Applying a cold or warm compress on the neck may decrease tension and inflammation. A warm compress is made to relax muscles and improve blood circulation, and a cold one is made to reduce swelling or numb the painful area. As an alternative blend in between each time, always wrap the compress so as not to cause skin irritation.
Magnesium Supplementation
Magnesium is essential for muscle relaxation and nerve function. However, a magnesium deficiency can cause most pregnant women to experience muscle stiffness or cramps. For natural neck pain relief, eat magnesium-rich foods such as spinach, almonds, and avocado or take doctor-recommended magnesium supplements.
Do Prenatal Yoga
Prenatal yoga is a great way to stretch, release neck and shoulder tension, and breathe deeply. Yoga poses, such as neck stretches and seated side bends, help stretch and reduce muscle stiffness. Yoga also helps improve posture and blood flow, which in turn improves overall comfort and relaxation during pregnancy.
Tennis Ball Trick
As a self-massage tool, tennis ball massage is simple and effective in relieving neck pain. Rolling the ball around to where your neck meets a wall and placing it between your neck and the wall can help release tight muscles and knots. This technique provides instant relief, gives your muscles mobility, and can be done anytime you feel tension building.
Acupuncture is a safe and natural therapy for pregnancy-related discomforts like neck pain. This ancient practice involves inserting thin needles into specific pressure points to promote pain relief and relaxation. It may improve blood flow, help with pelvic pain and morning sickness, relax muscles and provide an effective alternative for people who do not want to take medication.
Get Adjusted by A Chiropractor
If your neck pain and tension are associated with spinal misalignments, a prenatal chiropractor can correct some of them. In the gentle chiropractic adjustment, the pressure on the nerves and muscles is relieved to improve their posture and mobility. Seek an experienced certified chiropractor in prenatal care to ensure safe and effective treatment.
There is no reason to think that pregnancy neck pain will be overwhelming. Practice maintaining correct posture, but even if you have a bad postural habit, you can ease discomfort with a pregnancy support pillow and natural remedies such as warm compresses, acupuncture, or even yoga. This is why you experiment with several remedies to find the one that works best for you. Consult a healthcare provider to get your pain checked to make sure there is not a more serious problem. Doing self-care helps you stay comfortable and increases the chances of a healthy pregnancy.
- International Journal of Clinical Practice, U.S. National Library of Medicine, (15 Sept. 2023) Healthcare Practitioner Utilisation for Back Pain, Neck Pain and/or Pelvic Pain during Pregnancy: An Analysis of 1835 Pregnant Women in Australia.
- American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, December 2021.
- Mayo Clinic, August 2022.
- Geddes, J (2022, November 28). Neck Pain During Pregnancy

Dr. Bob was born and raised in Florham Park, New Jersey.
He loved the philosophy of vitalism, which teaches about the incredible, innate intelligence of our bodies and its power to self-heal when given the opportunity.