Fertility Problems
Difficulty conceiving?
In Functional Medicine, we look to get to the individual’s HIDDEN, ROOT CAUSE of imbalances within your body.
Some often overlooked CAUSES include reducing over-exercising, reducing stress, and improving DEEP, RESTORATIVE SLEEP quality.
In other words, LIFESTYLE.
Naturally, how you NOURISH yourself plays a huge component when it comes to fertility.
In Functional Medicine, we work to evaluate all of the systems in a person’s body when they are dealing with infertility, including a full scope of their HORMONAL health.
This includes ADVANCED TESTING for thyroid levels, adrenal levels, and sex hormone levels.
Often, women need thyroid support, as inadequate thyroid hormone levels can be the HIDDEN, ROOT CAUSE of their infertility.
We also test for signs of INSULIN RESISTANCE when investigating hormonal health.
Another common, and totally MISSING piece of infertility is TOXICITY, so we will work to support the body’s NATURAL DETOXIFICATION processes using products and technology that most doctors are completely unaware of.
This is important for helping the body get rid of excess hormones and any toxins that are present.
There are many toxins that impact our hormones, like BPA, phthalates, parabens, and pesticides, just to name a few.
A woman might also have a major NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCY that’s preventing her body from getting pregnant.
Screening for AUTOIMMUNE conditions can also provide us with valuable information, as these can cause malabsorption, INFLAMMATION, and nutrient DEFICIENCIES that can make the body unable to support a new life.
The good news is that in finding out these root causes we’re often able to reverse frustrating symptoms and regain fertility.
If you’ve been struggling with infertility and you’re not sure where to start, our goal is to determine the HIDDEN, ROOT CAUSES of your INFERTILITY using ADVANCED testing.
Only by addressing the HIDDEN, UNDERLYING CAUSE can we restore function.
Taking you from Nutritional Deficiency to Nutritional Sufficiency and from Cellular Toxicity to Cellular Purity is the natural, superior way to support your INFERTILITY.
This is the HOPE of Functional Medicine and the PROMISE of The Roadmap to Health.

Inspiring Health Journeys of Our Patients
Our “Raving Fans” speak and tell their side of the story about their amazing life changing experiences in our office. These stories share how these people changed their lives and you can too!