I can’t count the number of people who have come to us over the years and said:
“I’ve tried a handful of different diets… I’ve tried the shakes… I’ve tried all the patches, pills, lotions, and potions… why can’t lose weight?”
“I’ve tried running… I’ve done Yoga… Crossfit just about killed me… but I still can’t lose weight. Why?”
“I’ve been able to lose weight in the past, but as I get older, it becomes more and more difficult to KEEP it off. Is my metabolism broken?
I appreciate that you want to lose weight. I want you to be able to lose the weight.
Truly, I want what you want.
I also need you to understand that it’s much more than a cosmetic concern.
Overweight and obese are actually medical terms and they significantly increase your risk for diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer and even Alzheimer’s.
I know you know this, too.
A recent study in the most prestigious medical journal in the world, the New England Journal of Medicine, proved that being overweight equals premature death. The study showed that an extra 25-pound weight gain over the age of 40 years old meant that you have a 75% greater risk of heart attack or another cardiovascular event like stroke.
To understand why you are so resistant to losing weight, you must understand your body from the level of the cell.
I have always said:
“If you don’t heal the cell … you’ll never get well.”
Yet, this can only happen when there is no interference to the body’s self-healing, self-regulating capacity.
When we talk about things like weight loss resistance, thyroid, diabetes and hormone imbalance, you have to uncover this HIDDEN interference.
The problem is that no diet, no exercise program, no pharmaceutical drug, and no surgical procedure is designed to look for and address this interference to optimal health.
This may not be what you want to hear, but weight gain, weight loss resistance, fatigue, brain fog and all the other things you may be experiencing right now are symptoms of an unhealthy body.
That’s right, you do NOT have a weight problem.
Let me put it this way:
You are simply just not healthy enough to lose weight.
This is one of those light bulb moments.
It’s not that you have to lose weight in order to be healthy.
It’s that you must FIRST get healthy, in order to lose weight!
So, what is the HIDDEN CAUSE of your poor health?
For example, according to a huge number of different research studies and articles (also recently featured on the front cover of Time Magazine) we know that one of the greatest things that can affect your body is CHRONIC INFLAMMATION.
We also know that if your FAT BURNING HORMONES are not working, you will struggle with losing weight, even though you cut calories, exercise, take prescription medicine, or even get weight loss surgery!
Only by addressing the HIDDEN, UNDERLYING CAUSE can we restore function and HEALTH.
Taking you from Nutritional Deficiency to Nutritional Sufficiency and from Cellular Toxicity to Cellular Purity is the natural, superior way to support your WEIGHT LOSS RESISTANCE.
This is the HOPE of Functional Medicine and the PROMISE of The Roadmap To Health!

Inspiring Health Journeys of Our Patients
Our “Raving Fans” speak and tell their side of the story about their amazing life changing experiences in our office. These stories share how these people changed their lives and you can too!
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