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Are Parasites Dangerous?

Sep 2, 2022 | Parasites

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realistic 3d render of human parasites

Parasites are much more destructive than people realize.  They can trigger a host of health challenges, including autoimmune, IBS and other serious ones.  While parasites are often ignored by most conventionally trained doctors, they may be contributing to your chronic, unresolved health problems. So, a fair question to ask is: Are Parasites dangerous?

The average person knows virtually nothing about parasites, and most are unable to identify the different SYMPTOMS or TYPES of parasitic infections.

In fact, even most U.S. physicians are unaware of how widespread parasitic infections are.  Since parasites are almost never talked about in mainstream medicine, it’s important to know what they are, common symptoms, how they can be diagnosed and most importantly, how to get rid of them.

Fortunately, you CAN combat this common, overlooked obstacle to looking, feeling and functioning at your best.

So, let’s discuss a few key things you need to know about parasites and whether or not you have them in your gut or other places, too.

Finally, let’s explore how a scientific, safe, and natural approach to detecting and correcting these nasty infections can restore your health from this persistent, often HIDDEN problem that many doctors miss.


What Is A Parasitic Infection?


Parasitic infections are when parasites live inside or sometimes on the surface of other, unaware organisms. Since they feed on their host, depleting its storehouse of nutrition, they can cause harm.

Some are very small, even microscopic and found inside your cells. Larger parasites — like worms —live between cells. Parasites can invade your WHOLE BODY including your lungs, lymph, brain, gut, liver, muscles, and other organs.

Some are SO big that they can easily be seen. For example, an adult tapeworm can reach a length of more than 30 feet!

Parasites may be able to avoid your immune system. Sometimes, they’re so sneaky that your immune cells don’t recognize them at all.

Some even use an invisible cloak to hide completely from the immune system.


What are the SIGNS of having a PARASITE?


The signs of a have a parasite include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Allergies
  • Anxiety
  • Arthritis
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Bloating
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Food sensitivities
  • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Immune weakness
  • Itching around anus
  • Leaky gut
  • Low blood sugar
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Nausea
  • Seizures
  • Skin rashes and sores
  • Teeth grinding
  • Weight loss

People generally wonder ‘How sick can parasites make you?’

Unfortunately, the most obvious symptoms of parasites are often incorrectly attributed to other more common diseases.

For example, since they often infect the gut, many parasites cause a range of digestive symptoms.  So, while parasites could be at the root of your gut troubles, doctors may misdiagnose you as having Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).

Parasites tend to be more energetic during the evening, which can cause a big increase of these symptoms while you sleep.

Also, symptoms don’t always appear right away. Some may not appear for weeks or months. In fact, some parasitic infections linger on for years.


How Do I Know For Sure That I Have Parasites?


Accepted tests that may help determine whether you have parasites include standard blood and stool tests.

Stool samples sent directly to a lab are good ways to detect intestinal parasites or their eggs. A specific type of stain helps detect parasites when looking under a microscope.

Another way to check for parasites is blood tests.

The blood tests are designed to identify parasites by checking for:

  • Direct Evidence: Labs look directly at a specially prepared blood sample under a microscope.
  • Antibodies:  Your immune system makes specific antibodies to fight parasites when they are present. Blood tests can check for these antibodies.

Other tests for parasites

Medical imaging tests such as x-rays, CAT scans, MRI scans, can see signs of parasites in body tissues.

A more recent form of testing looks for the presence not of the parasite, but of its DNA!

Lastly, an endoscopy, a routine surgical procedure, may reveal parasites, too.


How Can You Kill Parasites in Your Body?


The most common ways to kill or rid parasites from the body are:

  1. Pharmaceuticals – While effective at killing parasites, it comes with a very high cost. Most pharmaceutical kill a lot more than just its intended target including gut friendly bacteria and other microbes necessary for body function.  Organ damage is possible as well.
  2. Natural Solutions – By far the most effective way to rid your body of parasites and not destroy your body in the process. Read on to find out which specific natural substances work best.

Optimize your body’s natural CLEANSING systems.

Before you start a parasite cleanse, make sure your bowels are working well.  Expelling toxins released by parasites requires good drainage.

Some parasites create constipation. This creates a buildup of toxins that can increase symptoms which prevents them from being eliminated when you move your bowels.

Make sure your colon is moving regularly with therapeutic herbs.

Also, be sure the kidneys and liver are working well.

Herbs, such as parsley and milk thistle, support kidney and liver function.

Starve Parasites with HEALTHY FOODS – that they HATE

Since intestinal parasites like to hang out in the walls of the intestines. This is where they steal your nutrition and wreak havoc. One way to beat them at their own game is to starve them by eating the foods that they do NOT like.

  1. Coconut oil contains caprylic acid, a healthy fat for you but one that stops the parasites from maturing.
  2. Raw Garlic contains a compound called allicin. Allicin works directly to destroy existing eggs while also preventing female parasites from laying more.
  3. Daily consumption of APPLE CIDER VINGAR changes the body’s pH balance, helping parasites die.
  4. Eating GINBER can reduce the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, preventing infections as well.


Top 8 Parasite-Fighting Herbs


Parasites can be stubborn, but certain herbs are EXTREMELY effective!

Compared to pharmaceuticals, herbs work naturally and help avoid the damage that can come with the direct, unwanted effects of some prescription medicines.

Moreover, by combining parasite-killing botanicals, you can enhance their benefits and effectiveness.

These herbs also typically come with various side benefits, such as aiding healthy bowels, improving bile flow, and supporting your immune system.

Top Parasite-Killing Herbs

Here’s an in-depth look at the top 8 therapeutic herbs that kill parasites.

  1. Black Walnut Hulls

Black walnut hulls contain an antiparasitic plant compound called juglone that may help combat the parasite known as Acanthamoeba. This parasite lives in soil and water and can cause severe eye infections. You are more prone to this infection if you wear contact lenses. It can also infect the spinal cord, the brain, and your lungs.

Another parasite that this compound may combat is Toxoplasma gondii. Many people, especially cat owners, carry this parasite but don’t know it. If you have a weak immune system, this infection can be really troublesome.

  1. Clove

Clove has been used as a natural food preservative and medicine for hundreds of years.

It is super rich in phytochemicals called phenolics, which contribute to its multiple health benefits, including its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.

Studies suggest clove may help fight certain parasites and harmful bacteria.

These include:

  • Babesia — This microscopic parasite is a common in Lyme. In a study, clove extract inhibited the growth of Babesia by 69%
  • Giardia —Best-known for triggering diarrhea and stomach upset. Clove essential oil inhibited the growth of Giardia and may also keep a parasite from attaching to its unsuspecting host.
  • Clostridium difficile (C. diff)— This bacterial infection often occurs during or after antibiotics. It can be resistant to drug therapy and causes severe diarrhea.
  • Schistosoma — This blood fluke is a major source of infections around the globe. In a two-month study of infected mice, clove reduced the number of Schistosoma flukes by 18%. It also reduced liver damage caused by the worms.

Clove not only fights parasites, but it also destroys insects that carry them. It has been shown to kill mosquito larvae

  1. Epazote (Wormseed)

Epazote is an herb native to Central America. It is also called wormseed.

Traditionally, epazote is for deworming.

The herb has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and pain-relief properties. It also helps your immune system fight infections. Plus, it may inhibit tumor growth.

The herb’s anti-infection properties include actions against some bacteria, fungi, and parasites.

  1. Holy Basil

Holy basil is used in herbal tea and supplements due to its health properties. It’s an adaptogen, which can help promote resilience against stress.

It is called “Queen of Herbs” in Ayurvedic medicine.

Extracts of the herb are used in Ayurvedic remedies for stomach problems, inflammation and even malaria.

  1. Neem

This tree is nicknamed “the village pharmacy” since every part of it including the bark, fruits, leaves, oil, seeds, and roots has potential health benefits.

For over 4,000 years Neem has been used in Ayurvedic medicine. Research has indicated it contains more than 300 different phytochemicals, some of which help combat parasites.

  1. Sage

Sage is an herb native to the Middle East. Used to add flavor to soup and many vegetables, it also contains many phytochemicals, including flavonoids and tannins. It’s been used in folk medicine for diarrhea and upset stomach.

It could help in parasite cleanses and support liver health as well.

In an animal study, sage significantly reduced the number of eggs of certain parasites in only five days!

When rodents were given sage tea instead of water for two weeks, their liver antioxidant activity increased significantly.

This is significant since people need an optimally functioning liver for good health, as well as to deal with the toxins released during a parasite cleanse.

  1. Thyme

Thyme is a tasty herb that contains several potent phytochemicals, and has been used against several different types of parasites.

Research suggests thyme oil may reduce the replication of harmful strains of E. coli.

Thyme might also fight Candida, a common yeast overgrowth as well. Lab studies suggest thyme may reduce enzymes that Candida needs for its survival. It may also decrease the yeast’s ability to form a protective covering, known as biofilm.

  1. Triphala

In the Sanskrit language, triphala means “three fruits.” This ancient Ayurvedic remedy is a combination of dried fruits from three herbs:

  • Amalaki or Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis)
  • Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica)
  • Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)

Together, they are a powerful combination for supporting digestive health, and have shown equal success in fighting parasites


Overcoming a Parasitic Infection


Some parasitic infections might go away without medical treatment as long as you have good health and a robust immune system.

Still, parasitic infections that go away on their own are the exception and not the rule.

Pharmaceuticals are sometimes used to treat parasitic infections.

Unfortunately, antiparasitic drugs have some problems, including:

  • Drug resistance — Parasites fight to survive and can adapt to and prevent the drug from working. The risk of this increases the longer the drug is used.
  • Expensive — Antiparasitic drugs can be very expensive, sometimes costing thousands of dollars. Insurance coverage is unpredictable.
  • Direct Unwanted Effect — Common side effects include headaches, skin and digestion problems. Some may also cause liver damage and birth defects.

Fortunately, many herbs can fight parasites but are typically safer on the body.


Clean up and repair with Carbon Technology

Carbon Technology is a brand-new category of supplements, made of humic acid and fulvic acid extracts. 

These natural substances contain highly energetic molecules that capture parasite toxins and heavy metals so your body can get rid of them.


Remember, parasitic infections are much more prevalent than you imagine, even in developed countries. But standard, normal lab tests are unreliable and often don’t reveal that people have them HIDDEN in their tissues.

Parasites could be the root cause of many of your chronic health issues. Autoimmune issues, food sensitivities, and gut problems may all be traced back to parasites.

Although parasites exist all around us and aren’t eliminated easily, using an effective protocol including the right combination of natural ingredients that BOTH NOURISH AND DETOXIFY, it’s possible for you to eliminate them, alleviating chronic health issues and optimizing your health.